{-# OPTIONS --overlapping-instances --instance-search-depth=10 #-}

module Example.Hefty.Catch+Throw+State where

open import Function
open import Level renaming (zero to ℓ0) using ()
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; false)
open import Data.Maybe using (just; nothing)
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Universe renaming (Universe to Univ)
private Universe = Univ ℓ0 ℓ0
open Univ  ...  renaming (U to Ty; El to ⟦_⟧)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Function.Construct.Identity using (↔-id)

open import Hefty hiding (_>>=_; _>>_)
open import Hefty.Lift
open import Hefty.Catch
open import Hefty.Nil

open import Free hiding (_>>=_; _>>_)
open import Free.Throw
open import Free.State 
open import Free.SubJump
open import Free.Nil

A universe of types polymorphic program with state and exceptions.  Under a
"global state" semantics of exception handling, the program returns 2.  Under a
"transactional state" semantics of exception handling, the program returns 1.

module _  u : Universe  {unit : Ty}  iso :  unit     where

  open import Hefty using (_>>=_; _>>_)
  open Inverse  ... 

  transact :  wₛ : H  Lift State  H′   wₜ : H   Lift Throw  H″   w  : H  Catch  H‴ 
            Hefty H 
  transact = do
     put 1
    ‵catch (do  put 2; ‵throwᴴ) (pure (from tt))

A simple universe of types

data Type : Set where
  unit  : Type
  num   : Type

  TypeUniverse : Universe
  Ty   TypeUniverse  = Type
  ⟦_⟧  TypeUniverse  unit = 
  ⟦_⟧  TypeUniverse  num  = 

  iso-unit :  unit   
  iso-unit = ↔-id _

A global state interpretation of the program

module GlobalStateInterpretation where

  Building elaboration from component parts

  transact-elab : Elaboration (Lift State  Lift Throw  Catch  Lift Nil) (State  Throw  Nil)
  transact-elab = eLift  eLift  eCatch  eNil

  transact-elab′ : Elaboration (Lift State  Lift Throw  Catch  Lift Nil) (State  Throw  Nil)
  transact-elab′ = orate auto-elab -- same as above, but automated
    where instance
      eCatch′ : Elab Catch (State  Throw  Nil)
      orate eCatch′ = eCatch

  Test showing that the program has a global state semantics

  test-transact : un ( ( given hThrow
                         handle ( ( given hSt
                                    handle (elaborate transact-elab′ transact) ) 0) ) tt )
                   just 2
  test-transact = refl

  An alternative elaboration for catch

  eCatch₁ :  u : Universe   w : Δ  Throw  Δ′    Elaboration (Catch  TypeUniverse ⦄) Δ
  alg eCatch₁ (catch t) ψ k = (ψ true) >>= k
    where open import Free using (_>>=_)

  transact-elab₁ : Elaboration (Lift State  Lift Throw  Catch  Lift Nil) (State  Throw  Nil)
  transact-elab₁ = eLift  eLift  eCatch₁  eNil

  An alternative interpretation of the original program, showing that Catch is
  an interface whose operational implementation we can change, modularly.

  test-transact₁ : un ( ( given hThrow
                         handle ( ( given hSt
                                    handle (elaborate transact-elab₁ transact) ) 0) ) tt )
  test-transact₁ = refl

An optionally-transactional state interpretation of the program

module TransactionalStateInterpretation where

  open Inverse  ... 

  transact-elab₂ : Elab  (Lift State  Lift Throw  Catch  Lift Nil)
                         (CC  t   t   Free Nil A)  State  Throw  Nil)
  transact-elab₂ = auto-elab
    where instance
      eCatchCC′ : Elab Catch _
      orate eCatchCC′ = eCatchCC

  transact-elab₃ : Elab (Lift State  Lift Throw  Catch  Lift Nil)
                        (CC  t   t   Free (State  Nil) A)  State  Throw  Nil)
  transact-elab₃ = auto-elab
    where instance
      eCatchCC′ : Elab Catch _
      orate eCatchCC′ = eCatchCC

  Running the state handler before throw gives a transactional state interpretation

  test-transact₂ :  un ( ( given hCC
                           handle ( given hThrow
                                    handle ( ( given hSt
                                               handle (elab transact-elab₂ transact) ) 0) ) tt ) tt )
                       just 1
  test-transact₂ = refl

  Running the throw handler before the state handler gives a global state interpretation

  test-transact₃ :  un ( ( given hSt
                           handle ( given hCC
                                    handle ( ( given hThrow
                                               handle (elab transact-elab₃ transact) ) tt) ) tt ) 0 )
                       just 2
  test-transact₃ = refl

  More tests

  transact′ :  wₛ : H  Lift State  H′   wₜ : H   Lift Throw  H″   w  : H  Catch  H‴ 
             Hefty H 
  transact′ = do
     put 1
    ‵catch (do  put 2) (pure (from tt))
    where open import Hefty using (_>>_)

  test-transact₂′ : un ( ( given hCC
                           handle ( given hThrow
                                    handle ( ( given hSt
                                               handle (elab transact-elab₂ transact′) ) 0) ) tt ) tt )
                       just 2
  test-transact₂′ = refl

  test-transact₃′ : un ( ( given hSt
                           handle ( given hCC
                                    handle ( ( given hThrow
                                               handle (elab transact-elab₃ transact′) ) tt) ) tt ) 0 )
                       just 2
  test-transact₃′ = refl

  transact″ :  wₛ : H  Lift State  H′   wₜ : H   Lift Throw  H″   w  : H  Catch  H‴ 
             Hefty H 
  transact″ = do
     put 1
    ‵catch (do  put 2; ‵throwᴴ) ( get)
    where open import Hefty using (_>>_)

  test-transact₂″ : un ( ( given hCC
                           handle ( given hThrow
                                    handle ( ( given hSt
                                               handle (elab transact-elab₂ transact″) ) 0) ) tt ) tt )
                       just 1
  test-transact₂″ = refl

  test-transact₃″ : un ( ( given hSt
                           handle ( given hCC
                                    handle ( ( given hThrow
                                               handle (elab transact-elab₃ transact″) ) tt) ) tt ) 0 )
                       just 2
  test-transact₃″ = refl