A state effect module, parameterized by a type of stateful data.
module Free.State (S : Set) where

open import Function
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Nat

open import Free

The state effect has two operations: `put s` and `get`.

data StateOp : Set where
  put : S  StateOp
  get :     StateOp

The signature of the state of effect:

State : Effect
Op   State         = StateOp
Ret  State (put s) = 
Ret  State get     = S

Smart constructors:

‵put :  Δ  State  Δ′   S  Free Δ 
‵put  w  n = impure (inj▸ₗ (put n)) (pure  proj-ret▸ₗ  w ⦄)

‵get :  Δ  State  Δ′   Free Δ S
‵get  w  = impure (inj▸ₗ get) (pure  proj-ret▸ₗ  w ⦄)


hSt :  A ! State  S  A ! Δ′ 
ret hSt x _ = pure x
hdl hSt (put s) k s₀ = k tt s
hdl hSt get     k s  = k s  s

Handler that gives access to the final state:

hSt₁ :  A ! State  S  (A × S) ! Δ′ 
ret hSt₁ x s = pure (x , s)
hdl hSt₁ (put s)  k s₀ = k tt s
hdl hSt₁ get      k s  = k s  s