The sub/jump operations due to Thielecke and Fiore and Staton.

Implementation in terms of free monad is due to Schrijvers, Piróg, Wu, and Jaskelioff.
module Free.SubJump where

open import Function
open import Level using (zero)
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Universe renaming (Universe to Univ)
private Universe = Univ zero zero
open Univ  ...  renaming (U to T; El to ⟦_⟧)

open import Free


data CCOp  u : Universe  (Ref : T  Set) : Set where
  sub   : {t : T}                             CCOp Ref
  jump  : {t : T} (ref : Ref t) (x :  t )   CCOp Ref

Effect signature

CC :  u : Universe  (Ref : T  Set)  Effect
Op  (CC Ref) = CCOp Ref
Ret (CC Ref) (sub {t})         = Ref t   t 
Ret (CC Ref) (jump ref x)  = 

Smart constructors
module _  u : Universe  {Ref : T  Set}  w : Δ  CC Ref  Δ′  where
  ‵sub   : {t : T}  (Ref t  Free Δ A)  ( t   Free Δ A)   Free Δ A
  ‵sub b k = impure
    (inj▸ₗ  w  sub)
    ([ b , k ]   proj-ret▸ₗ  w ⦄)

  ‵jump  : {t : T}  Ref t   t                              Free Δ B
  ‵jump ref x = impure
    (inj▸ₗ (jump ref x))
    (⊥-elim  proj-ret▸ₗ  w ⦄)


hCC :  u : Universe    A ! (CC  t   t   Free Δ′ A))    A ! Δ′ 
ret  hCC x _                = pure x
hdl  hCC sub           k p  = let c = flip k p  inj₂ in k (inj₁ c) p
hdl  hCC (jump ref x)  k p  = ref x