{-# OPTIONS --overlapping-instances --instance-search-depth=10 #-}

module Law.Hefty.Catch where

open import Function
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Level renaming (zero to ℓ0) using ()
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing; maybe)
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Universe renaming (Universe to Univ)
private Universe = Univ ℓ0 ℓ0
open Univ  ...  renaming (U to T; El to ⟦_⟧)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open ≡-Reasoning

open import Postulate.Extensionality

open import Free  hiding (_>>=_; _>>_)
open import Free.Throw

open import Hefty hiding (_>>=_; _>>_)
open import Hefty.Lift
open import Hefty.Catch

An interface of a monad M with:
- A throw and catch operations
- A `run` function that runs a computation, yielding a result `R A` for some `R : Set → Set`
- Laws for bind and throw
- A law that ≡ is a congruence for catc

record CatchIntf
         (M : Set  Set)
         (return :  {A}  A  M A)
         (_>>=_  :  {A B}  M A  (A  M B)  M B)
         : Set₁ where
  field   u   : Universe
         𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑤   : {t : T}  M  t 
         𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ   : {t : T}  M  t   M  t   M  t 
         R       : Set  Set
         run     : M A  R A
         bind-throw  : {t₁ t₂ : T} (k :  t₁   M  t₁ )
            run (𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑤 >>= k)  run 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑤
         catch-return  : {t : T} (x :  t ) (m : M  t )
            run (𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ (return x) m)  run (return x)
         catch-throw₁  : {t : T} (m : M  t )
            run (𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑤 m)  run m
         catch-throw₂  : {t : T} (m : M  t )
            run (𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ m 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑤)  run m
         catch-cong    : {t : T} (m₁ m₁′ m₂ m₂′ : M  t )
            run m₁  run m₁′
            run m₂  run m₂′
            run (𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ m₁ m₂)  run (𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ m₁′ m₂′)

open CatchIntf

The catch operation and its elaboration in `Hefty.Catch` is a lawful instance of
this interface.

module _ {H : Effectᴴ} {ε : Effect} (E : Elaboration H (Throw  ε)) where

    h :  {A}  u : Universe 
         Free (Throw  ε) A  Free ε (Maybe A)
    h m = (given hThrow handle m) tt

    e :  {A}  u : Universe 
         Hefty (Lift Throw  Catch  H) A  Free (Throw  ε) A
    e = elaborate (eLift  eCatch  E)

  CatchImpl₀ :  u : Universe 
              CatchIntf (Hefty (Lift Throw  Catch  H)) pure Hefty._>>=_
  u    (CatchImpl₀  u ⦄)    = u
  𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑤 CatchImpl₀            = ‵throwᴴ
  𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ CatchImpl₀            = ‵catch
  R    CatchImpl₀            = Free ε  Maybe 
  run  CatchImpl₀            = h  e
  bind-throw    CatchImpl₀  k    = refl
  catch-return  CatchImpl₀  x m  = refl
  catch-throw₁  CatchImpl₀  m    = begin
      h (e (‵catch ‵throwᴴ m))
    ≡⟨ refl 
      h (( h (e ‵throwᴴ)) >>= maybe pure ((e m) >>= pure))
    ≡⟨ cong    h (( h (e ‵throwᴴ)) >>= maybe pure )) (Free-unitᵣ-≡ (e m)) 
      h (e m)
    where open import Free using (_>>=_)
  catch-throw₂  CatchImpl₀  m    = begin
      h (e (‵catch m ‵throwᴴ))
    ≡⟨ refl 
      h (( h (e m)) >>= maybe pure ((e ‵throwᴴ) >>= pure))
      ≡⟨ cong  P  h (( h (e m)) >>= P))
           (extensionality  x 
             cong  P  maybe pure P x)
               (cong (impure (inj₁ throw))
                     (extensionality  x  ⊥-elim x))))) 
      h (( h (e m)) >>= maybe pure ‵throw)
    ≡⟨ catch-throw-lem (e m) 
      h (e m) 
      open import Free using (_>>=_)
      catch-throw-lem : (m : Free (Throw  _) A)
                       h (( h m) >>= maybe pure ‵throw)
                         (given hThrow handle m) tt
      catch-throw-lem (pure x)                = refl
      catch-throw-lem (impure (inj₁ throw) k) = refl
      catch-throw-lem (impure (inj₂ y) k) = cong (impure y) (extensionality  x  catch-throw-lem (k x)))
  catch-cong CatchImpl₀ m₁ m₁' m₂ m₂' eq₁ eq₂ = begin
      h (e (‵catch m₁ m₂))
    ≡⟨ refl 
       h (( h (e m₁)) >>=ᶠ maybe pure (e m₂ >>=ᶠ pure))
    ≡⟨ cong
          P  h (( h (e m₁)) >>=ᶠ P))
         (extensionality  x  cong  P  maybe pure P x) (Free-unitᵣ-≡ (e m₂)))) 
       h (( h (e m₁)) >>=ᶠ maybe pure (e m₂))
    ≡⟨ cong  P  h (( P) >>=ᶠ maybe pure (e m₂))) eq₁ 
       h (( h (e m₁')) >>=ᶠ maybe pure (e m₂))
    ≡⟨ hThrow-bind-distr ( h (e m₁')) _ 
       (h ( h (e m₁'))) >>=ᶠ maybe (h  maybe pure (e m₂)) (pure nothing)
    ≡⟨ cong
          P  (h ( (h (e m₁')))) >>=ᶠ maybe P (pure nothing))
         (extensionality  x  maybe-distr x pure (e m₂) h)) 
       (h ( h (e m₁'))) >>=ᶠ maybe (maybe (h  pure) (h (e m₂))) (pure nothing)
    ≡⟨ cong
          P  (h ( (h (e m₁')))) >>=ᶠ maybe (maybe (h  pure) P) (pure nothing))
       (h ( h (e m₁'))) >>=ᶠ maybe (maybe (h  pure) (h (e m₂'))) (pure nothing)
    ≡⟨ cong
          P  (h ( (h (e m₁')))) >>=ᶠ maybe P (pure nothing))
         (extensionality  x  sym $ maybe-distr x pure (e m₂') h)) 
       (h ( h (e m₁'))) >>=ᶠ maybe (h  maybe pure (e m₂')) (pure nothing)
    ≡⟨ (sym $ hThrow-bind-distr ( h (e m₁')) _) 
       h (( h (e m₁')) >>=ᶠ maybe pure (e m₂'))
    ≡⟨ cong
          P  h (( h (e m₁')) >>=ᶠ P))
         (extensionality  x 
              P  maybe pure P x)
             (sym $ Free-unitᵣ-≡ (e m₂')))) 
      h (( h (e m₁')) >>=ᶠ maybe pure (e m₂' >>=ᶠ pure))
    ≡⟨ refl 
      h (e (‵catch m₁' m₂')) 
     open import Hefty renaming (_>>=_ to _>>=ᴴ_) using ()
     open import Free renaming (_>>=_ to _>>=ᶠ_) using ()
     maybe-distr : (x : Maybe A)
                   {B : Maybe A  Set}
                   (f : (a : A)  B (just a))
                   (b : B nothing)
                   (g :  {x : Maybe A}  B x  C)
                  g {x = x} (maybe {B = B} f b x)  maybe (g  f) (g b) x
     maybe-distr (just x) f b g = refl
     maybe-distr nothing  f b g = refl

     hThrow-bind-distr : (m : Free (Throw  Δ) A) (k : A  Free (Throw  Δ) B)
                        (given hThrow handle (m >>=ᶠ k)) tt
                          (given hThrow handle m) tt >>=ᶠ maybe  x  (given hThrow handle (k x)) tt) (pure nothing)
     hThrow-bind-distr (pure x) k = refl
     hThrow-bind-distr (impure (inj₁ throw) k₁) k = refl
     hThrow-bind-distr (impure (inj₂ y) k₁) k = cong (impure y) (extensionality  x  hThrow-bind-distr (k₁ x) k))

The usual, non-modular, abbreviation of catch is also lawful

catchᴬ :  w : Δ  Throw  Δ′   Free Δ A  Free Δ A  Free Δ A
catchᴬ m₁ m₂ = ( ((given hThrow handle m₁) tt)) >>= (maybe pure m₂)
  where open import Free using (_>>=_)

module _ {Δ : Effect} where

  open import Free using (_>>=_)

  h :  {A}  Free (Throw  Δ) A  Free Δ (Maybe A)
  h m = (given hThrow handle m) tt

  CatchImpl₁  :  u : Universe 
                CatchIntf (Free (Throw  Δ)) pure _>>=_
  u    (CatchImpl₁  u ⦄) = u
  𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑤 CatchImpl₁         = ‵throw
  𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ CatchImpl₁         = catchᴬ
  R    CatchImpl₁         = Free Δ  Maybe
  run  CatchImpl₁         = h
  bind-throw    CatchImpl₁ k   = refl
  catch-return  CatchImpl₁ x m = refl
  catch-throw₁  CatchImpl₁ m   = refl
  catch-throw₂  CatchImpl₁ m    = begin
      h (catchᴬ m ‵throw)
    ≡⟨ refl 
      h (( h m) >>= maybe pure ‵throw)
    ≡⟨ catch-throw-lem m 
      h m 
      catch-throw-lem : (m : Free (Throw  Δ) A)
                       h (( h m) >>= maybe pure ‵throw)
                         (given hThrow handle m) tt
      catch-throw-lem (pure x) = refl
      catch-throw-lem (impure (inj₁ throw) k) = refl
      catch-throw-lem (impure (inj₂ y) k) = cong (impure y) (extensionality  x  catch-throw-lem (k x)))
  catch-cong CatchImpl₁ m₁ m₁′ m₂ m₂′ eq₁ eq₂ = begin
      h (catchᴬ m₁ m₂)
    ≡⟨ refl 
      h (( (h m₁)) >>= maybe pure m₂)
    ≡⟨ cong  P  h (( P) >>= maybe pure m₂)) eq₁ 
      h (( h m₁′) >>= maybe pure m₂)
    ≡⟨ h-distr ( h m₁′) (maybe pure m₂) 
      (h ( h m₁′)) >>= maybe (h  maybe pure m₂) (pure nothing)
    ≡⟨ cong  P  (h ( h m₁′)) >>= P)
         (extensionality  x 
           cong  P  maybe P (pure nothing) x)
             (extensionality  x 
               maybe-distr x pure m₂ h)))) 
      (h ( h m₁′)) >>= maybe (maybe (h  pure) (h m₂)) (pure nothing)
    ≡⟨ cong  P  (h ( h m₁′)) >>= P)
         (extensionality  x 
           cong  P  maybe P (pure nothing) x)
             (extensionality  x 
               cong  P  maybe _ P x) eq₂)))) 
      (h ( h m₁′)) >>= maybe (maybe (h  pure) (h m₂′)) (pure nothing)
    ≡⟨ ( sym
       $ cong  P  (h ( h m₁′)) >>= P)
           (extensionality  x 
             cong  P  maybe P (pure nothing) x)
               (extensionality  x 
                 maybe-distr x pure m₂′ h))))) 
      (h ( h m₁′)) >>= maybe (h  maybe pure m₂′) (pure nothing)
    ≡⟨ (sym $ h-distr ( h m₁′) (maybe pure m₂′)) 
      h (( h m₁′) >>= maybe pure m₂′)
    ≡⟨ refl 
      h (catchᴬ m₁′ m₂′) 
      maybe-distr : (x : Maybe A)
                    {B : Maybe A  Set}
                    (f : (a : A)  B (just a))
                    (b : B nothing)
                    (g :  {x : Maybe A}  B x  C)
                   g {x = x} (maybe {B = B} f b x)  maybe (g  f) (g b) x
      maybe-distr (just x) f b g = refl
      maybe-distr nothing f b g = refl

      h-distr : (m : Free (Throw  Δ) A) (k : A  Free (Throw  Δ) B)
               h (m >>= k)  (h m) >>= maybe (h  k) (pure nothing)
      h-distr (pure x) k = refl
      h-distr (impure (inj₁ throw) k₁) k = refl
      h-distr (impure (inj₂ y) k₁) k = cong (impure y) (extensionality  x  h-distr (k₁ x) k))