module Hefty.Once where

open import Function
open import Level renaming (zero to ℓ0) using ()
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; false; if_then_else_)
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing; maybe)
open import Data.List using (List; _∷_; []; head)
open import Data.Universe renaming (Universe to Univ)
private Universe = Univ ℓ0 ℓ0
open Univ  ...  renaming (U to Ty; El to ⟦_⟧)

open import Free hiding (_>>=_; _>>_)
open import Free.Choice

open import Hefty hiding (_>>=_; _>>_)
open import Hefty.Lift


data OnceOp  u : Universe  : Set where
  once : {t : Ty}  OnceOp

Effect signature

Once :  u : Universe   Effectᴴ
Opᴴ    Once          = OnceOp
Forkᴴ  Once (once {t}) = record
  { Op = ; Ret = λ _    t  }
Retᴴ   Once (once {t}) =  t 

Smart constructors

_‵orᴴ_  :  H  Lift Choice  H′   Hefty H A  Hefty H A   Hefty H A
_‵orᴴ_  w  m₁ m₂ = ( or) >>= (if_then m₁ else m₂)
  where open import Hefty using (_>>=_)

‵failᴴ  :  H  Lift Choice  H′                            Hefty H A
‵failᴴ  w  = ( fail) >>= ⊥-elim
  where open import Hefty using (_>>=_)

‵once :  u : Universe   w : H  Once  H′  {t : Ty}  Hefty H  t   Hefty H  t 
‵once  w = w  {t} b = impure (inj▹ₗ once) (proj-fork▹ₗ  _  b)) (pure  proj-ret▹ₗ  w ⦄)


eOnce :  u : Universe   w : Δ  Choice  Δ′   Elaboration Once Δ
alg eOnce once ψ k = do
  l   ((given hChoice handle (ψ tt)) tt)
  maybe k ‵fail (head l)
  where open import Free using (_>>=_)

  eOnce′ :  u : Universe   w : Δ  Choice  Δ′   Elab Once Δ
  orate eOnce′ = eOnce