{-# OPTIONS --overlapping-instances --instance-search-depth=10 #-}

module Example.Hefty.Censor+Output where

open import Level renaming (zero to ℓ0) using ()
open import Function
open import Data.Unit hiding (_≟_)
open import Data.Bool hiding (_≟_)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Nat hiding (_≟_)
open import Data.String
open import Data.Universe renaming (Universe to Univ)
private Universe = Univ ℓ0 ℓ0
open Univ  ...  renaming (U to Ty; El to ⟦_⟧)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

open import Free  hiding (_>>=_; _>>_)
open import Free.Output
open import Free.Nil

open import Hefty hiding (_>>=_; _>>_)
open import Hefty.Lift
open import Hefty.Censor
open import Hefty.Nil

A simple universe of types

data Type : Set where
  unit : Type
  num : Type

  SimpleUniverse : Universe
  Ty  SimpleUniverse  = Type
  ⟦_⟧  SimpleUniverse  unit = 
  ⟦_⟧  SimpleUniverse  num = 


censor-elab : Elaboration (Censor  Lift Output  Lift Nil) (Output  Nil)
censor-elab = eCensor  eLift  eNil

censor′-elab : Elaboration (Censor  Lift Output  Lift Nil) (Output  Nil)
censor′-elab = eCensor′  eLift  eNil

Example programs

hello :  w : H  Lift Output  H″ 
       Hefty H 
hello = do  out "Hello";  out " world!"
  where open import Hefty using (_>>_)

censorHello :  w₁ : H  Censor  H′   w₂ : H  Lift Output  H″ 
             Hefty H 
censorHello = ‵censor
   s  case (s  "Hello") of λ where
           (yes _)  "Goodbye"
           (no  _)  s)

test-censor : un ( ( given hOut
                     handle (elaborate censor-elab censorHello) ) tt )
                 (tt , "Hello world!")
test-censor = refl

test-censor′ : un ( ( given hOut
                     handle (elaborate censor′-elab censorHello) ) tt )
                 (tt , "Goodbye world!")
test-censor′ = refl