-- The Agda standard library
-- Maybes where one of the elements satisfies a given property

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Data.Maybe.Relation.Unary.Any where

open import Data.Maybe.Base using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Data.Product as Prod using (; _,_; -,_)
open import Function.Base using (id)
open import Function.Bundles using (_⇔_; mk⇔)
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_; cong)
open import Relation.Unary
open import Relation.Nullary hiding (Irrelevant)
import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Dec

-- Definition

data Any {a p} {A : Set a} (P : Pred A p) : Pred (Maybe A) (a  p) where
  just :  {x}  P x  Any P (just x)

-- Basic operations

module _ {a p} {A : Set a} {P : Pred A p} where

  drop-just :  {x}  Any P (just x)  P x
  drop-just (just px) = px

  just-equivalence :  {x}  P x  Any P (just x)
  just-equivalence = mk⇔ just drop-just

  map :  {q} {Q : Pred A q}  P  Q  Any P  Any Q
  map f (just px) = just (f px)

  satisfied :  {x}  Any P x   P
  satisfied (just p) = -, p

-- (un/)zip(/With)

module _ {a p q r} {A : Set a} {P : Pred A p} {Q : Pred A q} {R : Pred A r} where

  zipWith : P  Q  R  Any P  Any Q  Any R
  zipWith f (just px , just qx) = just (f (px , qx))

  unzipWith : P  Q  R  Any P  Any Q  Any R
  unzipWith f (just px) = Prod.map just just (f px)

module _ {a p q} {A : Set a} {P : Pred A p} {Q : Pred A q} where

  zip : Any P  Any Q  Any (P  Q)
  zip = zipWith id

  unzip : Any (P  Q)  Any P  Any Q
  unzip = unzipWith id

-- Seeing Any as a predicate transformer

module _ {a p} {A : Set a} {P : Pred A p} where

  dec : Decidable P  Decidable (Any P)
  dec P-dec nothing  = no λ ()
  dec P-dec (just x) = Dec.map just-equivalence (P-dec x)

  irrelevant : Irrelevant P  Irrelevant (Any P)
  irrelevant P-irrelevant (just p) (just q) = cong just (P-irrelevant p q)

  satisfiable : Satisfiable P  Satisfiable (Any P)
  satisfiable P-satisfiable = Prod.map just just P-satisfiable