-- The Agda standard library
-- Ways to give instances of certain structures where some fields can
-- be given in terms of others

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Algebra.Core
open import Algebra.Consequences.Setoid
open import Data.Product using (_,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Level using (_⊔_)
open import Relation.Binary using (Rel; Setoid; IsEquivalence)

module Algebra.Structures.Biased
  {a } {A : Set a}  -- The underlying set
  (_≈_ : Rel A )    -- The underlying equality relation

open import Algebra.Definitions _≈_
open import Algebra.Structures  _≈_

-- IsCommutativeMonoid

record IsCommutativeMonoidˡ ( : Op₂ A) (ε : A) : Set (a  ) where
    isSemigroup : IsSemigroup 
    identityˡ   : LeftIdentity ε 
    comm        : Commutative 

  isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid  ε
  isCommutativeMonoid = record
    { isMonoid = record
      { isSemigroup = isSemigroup
      ; identity    = comm+idˡ⇒id setoid comm identityˡ
    ; comm = comm
    } where open IsSemigroup isSemigroup

open IsCommutativeMonoidˡ public
  using () renaming (isCommutativeMonoid to isCommutativeMonoidˡ)

record IsCommutativeMonoidʳ ( : Op₂ A) (ε : A) : Set (a  ) where
    isSemigroup : IsSemigroup 
    identityʳ   : RightIdentity ε 
    comm        : Commutative 

  isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid  ε
  isCommutativeMonoid = record
    { isMonoid = record
      { isSemigroup = isSemigroup
      ; identity    = comm+idʳ⇒id setoid comm identityʳ
    ; comm = comm
    } where open IsSemigroup isSemigroup

open IsCommutativeMonoidʳ public
  using () renaming (isCommutativeMonoid to isCommutativeMonoidʳ)

-- IsSemiringWithoutOne

record IsSemiringWithoutOne* (+ * : Op₂ A) (0# : A) : Set (a  ) where
    +-isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid + 0#
    *-isSemigroup         : IsSemigroup *
    distrib               : * DistributesOver +
    zero                  : Zero 0# *

  isSemiringWithoutOne : IsSemiringWithoutOne + * 0#
  isSemiringWithoutOne = record
    { +-isCommutativeMonoid = +-isCommutativeMonoid
    ; *-cong = ∙-cong
    ; *-assoc = assoc
    ; distrib = distrib
    ; zero = zero
    } where open IsSemigroup *-isSemigroup

open IsSemiringWithoutOne* public
  using () renaming (isSemiringWithoutOne to isSemiringWithoutOne*)

-- IsNearSemiring

record IsNearSemiring* (+ * : Op₂ A) (0# : A) : Set (a  ) where
    +-isMonoid    : IsMonoid + 0#
    *-isSemigroup : IsSemigroup *
    distribʳ      : * DistributesOverʳ +
    zeroˡ         : LeftZero 0# *

  isNearSemiring : IsNearSemiring + * 0#
  isNearSemiring = record
    { +-isMonoid = +-isMonoid
    ; *-cong = ∙-cong
    ; *-assoc = assoc
    ; distribʳ = distribʳ
    ; zeroˡ = zeroˡ
    } where open IsSemigroup *-isSemigroup

open IsNearSemiring* public
  using () renaming (isNearSemiring to isNearSemiring*)

-- IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero

record IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero* (+ * : Op₂ A) (0# 1# : A) : Set (a  ) where
    +-isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid + 0#
    *-isMonoid            : IsMonoid * 1#
    distrib               : * DistributesOver +

  isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero : IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero + * 0# 1#
  isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero = record
    { +-isCommutativeMonoid = +-isCommutativeMonoid
    ; *-cong = ∙-cong
    ; *-assoc = assoc
    ; *-identity = identity
    ; distrib = distrib
    } where open IsMonoid *-isMonoid

open IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero* public
  using () renaming (isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero to isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero*)

-- IsCommutativeSemiring

record IsCommutativeSemiringˡ (+ * : Op₂ A) (0# 1# : A) : Set (a  ) where
    +-isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid + 0#
    *-isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid * 1#
    distribʳ              : * DistributesOverʳ +
    zeroˡ                 : LeftZero 0# *

  isCommutativeSemiring : IsCommutativeSemiring + * 0# 1#
  isCommutativeSemiring = record
    { isSemiring = record
      { isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero = record
        { +-isCommutativeMonoid = +-isCommutativeMonoid
        ; *-cong                = *.∙-cong
        ; *-assoc               = *.assoc
        ; *-identity            = *.identity
        ; distrib               = comm+distrʳ⇒distr +.setoid +.∙-cong *.comm distribʳ
      ; zero = comm+zeˡ⇒ze +.setoid *.comm zeroˡ
    ; *-comm = *.comm
    module + = IsCommutativeMonoid +-isCommutativeMonoid
    module * = IsCommutativeMonoid *-isCommutativeMonoid

open IsCommutativeSemiringˡ public
  using () renaming (isCommutativeSemiring to isCommutativeSemiringˡ)

record IsCommutativeSemiringʳ (+ * : Op₂ A) (0# 1# : A) : Set (a  ) where
    +-isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid + 0#
    *-isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid * 1#
    distribˡ              : * DistributesOverˡ +
    zeroʳ                 : RightZero 0# *

  isCommutativeSemiring : IsCommutativeSemiring + * 0# 1#
  isCommutativeSemiring = record
    { isSemiring = record
      { isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero = record
        { +-isCommutativeMonoid = +-isCommutativeMonoid
        ; *-cong                = *.∙-cong
        ; *-assoc               = *.assoc
        ; *-identity            = *.identity
        ; distrib               = comm+distrˡ⇒distr +.setoid +.∙-cong *.comm distribˡ
      ; zero = comm+zeʳ⇒ze +.setoid *.comm zeroʳ
    ; *-comm = *.comm
    module + = IsCommutativeMonoid +-isCommutativeMonoid
    module * = IsCommutativeMonoid *-isCommutativeMonoid

open IsCommutativeSemiringʳ public
  using () renaming (isCommutativeSemiring to isCommutativeSemiringʳ)

-- IsRing

-- We can recover a ring without proving that 0# annihilates *.
record IsRingWithoutAnnihilatingZero (+ * : Op₂ A) (-_ : Op₁ A) (0# 1# : A)
                                     : Set (a  ) where
    +-isAbelianGroup : IsAbelianGroup + 0# -_
    *-isMonoid       : IsMonoid * 1#
    distrib          : * DistributesOver +

  module + = IsAbelianGroup +-isAbelianGroup
  module * = IsMonoid *-isMonoid

  open + using (setoid) renaming (∙-cong to +-cong)
  open * using ()       renaming (∙-cong to *-cong)

  zeroˡ : LeftZero 0# *
  zeroˡ = assoc+distribʳ+idʳ+invʳ⇒zeˡ setoid
            +-cong *-cong +.assoc (proj₂ distrib) +.identityʳ +.inverseʳ

  zeroʳ : RightZero 0# *
  zeroʳ = assoc+distribˡ+idʳ+invʳ⇒zeʳ setoid
            +-cong *-cong +.assoc (proj₁ distrib) +.identityʳ +.inverseʳ

  zero : Zero 0# *
  zero = (zeroˡ , zeroʳ)

  isRing : IsRing + * -_ 0# 1#
  isRing = record
    { +-isAbelianGroup = +-isAbelianGroup
    ; *-cong           = *.∙-cong
    ; *-assoc          = *.assoc
    ; *-identity       = *.identity
    ; distrib          = distrib
    ; zero             = zero

open IsRingWithoutAnnihilatingZero public
  using () renaming (isRing to isRingWithoutAnnihilatingZero)

record IsRing* (+ * : Op₂ A) (-_ : Op₁ A) (0# 1# : A) : Set (a  ) where
    +-isAbelianGroup : IsAbelianGroup + 0# -_
    *-isMonoid       : IsMonoid * 1#
    distrib          : * DistributesOver +
    zero             : Zero 0# *

  isRing : IsRing + * -_ 0# 1#
  isRing = record
    { +-isAbelianGroup = +-isAbelianGroup
    ; *-cong = ∙-cong
    ; *-assoc = assoc
    ; *-identity = identity
    ; distrib = distrib
    ; zero = zero
    } where open IsMonoid *-isMonoid

open IsRing* public
  using () renaming (isRing to isRing*)