-- The Agda standard library
-- Basic auxiliary definitions for semiring-like structures

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Algebra.Bundles using (RawSemiring)
open import Data.Sum.Base using (_⊎_)
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc)
open import Level using (_⊔_)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel)

module Algebra.Definitions.RawSemiring {a } (M : RawSemiring a ) where

open RawSemiring M renaming (Carrier to A)

-- Definitions over _+_

open import Algebra.Definitions.RawMonoid +-rawMonoid public
  ( _×_   -- : ℕ → A → A
  ; _×′_  -- : ℕ → A → A
  ; sum   -- : Vector A n → A

-- Definitions over _*_

open import Algebra.Definitions.RawMonoid *-rawMonoid as Mult public
  ( _∣_
  ; _∤_
  ( sum to product

-- Unlike `sum` to `product`, can't simply rename multiplication to
-- exponentation as the argument order is reversed.

-- Standard exponentiation

infixr 8 _^_
_^_ : A    A
x ^ n  = n Mult.× x

-- Exponentiation optimised for type-checking

infixr 8 _^′_
_^′_ : A    A
x ^′ n  = n Mult.×′ x
{-# INLINE _^′_ #-}

-- Exponentiation optimised for tail-recursion

infixr 8 _^[_]*_ _^ᵗ_

_^[_]*_ : A    A  A
x ^[ zero ]*  y = y
x ^[ suc n ]* y = x ^[ n ]* (x * y)

_^ᵗ_ : A    A
x ^ᵗ n = x ^[ n ]* 1#

-- Primality

Coprime : Rel A (a  )
Coprime x y =  {z}  z  x  z  y  z  1#

record Irreducible (p : A) : Set (a  ) where
  constructor mkIrred
    p∤1       : p  1#
    split-∣1 :  {x y}  p  (x * y)  x  1#  y  1#

record Prime (p : A) : Set (a  ) where
  constructor mkPrime
    p≉0     : p  0#
    p∤1     : p  1#
    split-∣ :  {x y}  p  x * y  p  x  p  y